Friday, 6 July 2012

The theory of life

Finally discovered myself........ Found the theory of life is actually the easiest theory of all... Its just being happy with what you are and who you are. 
The world seems like a big bright place if one is content with their own self. That actually does not mean that you have a picture perfect life on the c0ntrary life might be going through its' worst but if you have found yourself........ You have found the way of fighting that worst off.  You then have the courage to face everything and everyone.... 
I don't understand why we can't simply be us and enjoy being us......Why can't we just  be happy with our own selves? 
Why try to be some one you are not especially just to make some other being happy. 
The more you try to make others happy the more they demand from you......... You keep on compromising on yourself and your identity to keep them happy and ultimately loose yourself in the process. 

Soo.. think 

The Ashes of Life

The Ashes of Life